Dear Sir/Madam:
It is with deep regret that I tender my resignation from the (provide position and title) effective immediately asprovided for under the terms and conditions of employment during theprobationary period. In the short time I have been here, I have learnt a lotand I am even in greater aware of the company’s achievements.
I came to this decision painfully after continued deliberations on my partafter accepting the offer and concluding that my family needs me more thananything else at this point (or provide other reason).They will be very disappointed of my decision too after having been sosupportive of me taking up the offer; but I have strong belief in my convictionthat my decision to resign is the best.
几经挣扎,我才做了这个决定,实是因为最近家里事情太多,我实在很难分身(或其他理由)。 他们一直都很支持我接受这份工作,对我的选择,他们也感到无奈。但左思右想,我还是觉得辞职会是最好的选择。
Once more, I thank you and your great organisation for having afforded methis wonderful career opportunity and wish only for its continued growth andsuccess. I will be in touch with our HRD Manager (provide name) to ensure myresignation and actual departure are in keeping with the established companyguidelines.
Notes 注释:
tender v. 提出
resignation n. 辞职,
probationary adj. 试用的,间习的
probationaryperiod 试用期